Including Ceres and Vesta ~ 13 May 2013

Here’s something to honor Jupiter in Gemini and the personal planets coming up to stand by his side soon. You know how people want to personalize e-mail with fancy fonts, Facebook, Twitter and other social media icon buttons? Did you know that some e-mail servers read that stuff as spam and reject your e-mail? Maybe it really isn’t Eris excluding you. Maybe you have too much e-mail bling going on.

If you dare to turn off your spam filtering in your e-mail and stay smart about your e-mails, this potential problem disappears. And yes, that might expose you to more spam/scam e-mails. Stay smart. Odds are none of your favorite astrologers are stranded in Upper Mongolia or Kabul and need you to wire them $500. Bali yes. Shangri-la possibly. Actually, since I’ve gone spam protection-less, I’ve noticed no change, other than getting e-mails I really need to receive.

Again, be smart. If you don’t know who it is or if the subject line is “re:” you know what to do. Scan your computer regularly, and when you receive an e-mail from an astrologer you signed up to follow, honor Jupiter in Gemini. Open the e-mail, read it, contemplate the wisdom inside and order tons of stuff.

When composing e-mails, create a good subject line for your correspondence. Just suggestions here... in the spirit of enhanced communication as Jupiter in Gemini would love to have happen.

Okay now... onto the show. Most likely you’ve read or heard that Ceres and Vesta are no longer asteroids. In the wake of the Pluto demotion debacle, both bodies have been promoted to planet status. To prove that they are worthy of planetary attention, they’ve mutually arranged a collection of aspects in which they are simultaneously featured, or patterns in which they have been recently pivotal.

On May 5 Ceres in Cancer squared Uranus in Aries. On the collective level, tensions in Syria increased as Israel fired rockets into the country suffering through a horrible rebellion. Ceres fancies itself as speaking out for those it believes do not have a means to speak for themselves. No matter where you come down on the politics of this conflict, or the morality of this war or any conflict, it is interesting to note that Israel’s claim was that of protecting their people by preemptively ensuring weapons did not get in the hands of their adversaries. Right or wrong, this was Ceres and Uranus in action seeking to preserve the freedoms they believe in the best interest of those they represent.

It’s also appropriate that the National Rifle Association just held their annual convention - this one the largest ever by attendance - on the heels of a failed effort to pass a law insisting upon background checks for would-be gun buyers. The gun proponents demand their constitutional rights, regardless of how the right was written, and speak for the good of the security of the nation, or so they believe. And the most vocal, including the NRA’s new president, have placed insurrection on the table as a viable option to guarantee their causes and concerns.

More personally, Ceres is inclined to push you to pick up a banner or a cause to make a point. Sometimes the cause may be a bit oblique, yet it circles back to the core, fundamental truth. For example, if one takes a day off from work to campaign for immigration reform, the message is transmitted to employers that any segregation-based agenda will not be tolerated on a personal level. Personal respect and professional value must be awarded. Yep, it’s time to make statements about your personal wages, benefits, other forms of compensation and treatment anywhere you secure what is your basic nurturing in life.

Ceres insists under this pattern that one advocates for herself/himself. Given the square, the edginess that both Ceres and Uranus have been observed to apply, and given the sharpness of Aries, and the urgency of cardinal signs (Aries and Cancer), perhaps a cool, well-throttled approach to securing one’s needs works best. Flying off the handle may drop the broom, precluding a clean sweep of items on the spirit agenda.

On May 8 Ceres opposed Pluto in Capricorn, creating deep subterranean rumbles that will soon need to be relieved. This is the deep in the bowels of the being stuff that requires some sort of soul-searching internal labro-ortho-scope that can shed light upon and nudge the spirit out of dormancy and into a spirit rich confidence that promotes the self, and all things required in self-dom in a good way. It’s the kind of thing where the psyche becomes fully intent on declaring all needs that create personal homeland security.

There’s a little time remaining to percolate before the next new planet trigger. Perhaps there’s some important insight ready to bubble up out of the simmer of the patterns of Ceres to Uranus and Pluto. Then, shifting planets fits the bill.

Come May 23 Vesta in Cancer squares Uranus and opposes Pluto. It’s a double-barreled “shift gears and transform” action agenda. Vesta works like a flint. She’ll spark and spark and spark until she reignites cool embers in the hearth of matters she deems important. With her node in Cancer and her perihelion in Sagittarius, she’s big on personal truth, basic needs, security and developing a belief system that successfully moves a body down the road.

This Vesta transit demands stretching, scanning, searching for new kindling that makes the body, mind and spirit a warmer place with an internal fire that burns with constancy and consistency.

As we reach June 4th Ceres squares Eris. Here, one must advocate for all agendas that advance one’s relationships and professional goals. You cannot accept being left behind. Should you feel left out, use the agitation and cultivate the skill, talent, attribute that was stated as justification for your lack of inclusion. Didn’t get one? Ask. When the answer rolls around to “what didn’t you like about my... insert what you were not recognized for here...” accept it. This is one of those “I want to be over there with those folks who have... which I don’t... so I will get it through the following constructive course of action” moments.

There’s a delicate balance and a clearly drawn line in the realm of what works and what doesn’t in the matter of self-advocacy. Take notes, stay polite and stress your talent, competence, determination and desire for involvement, without issuing bold demands, ultimatums or consequence-based threats.

On June 19th Vesta squares Eris. The very next day Mercury and Venus do the same. Here the pattern requires the articulation of need, surfaced by Mercury and Venus, sparked by Vesta into a large enough fire to cause others to gather around. The ultimate goal per Eris is to ensure inclusion in your life, alignment with personal fulfillment, and a manner of speech that warms cockles instead of creating a ruckus. Demands can be issued. Lines in the sand can be drawn. However, it may be an interesting study to compare harsh actions in the past versus cooperative communications that seek win-win situations thereby creating an environment of emotional security for all.

Vesta has long been known for being pristine, incorrigible (in a good way) and entrusted with a task critical to society. For these attributes, the vestals were rewarded with property, rarified rights and treated with ultimate regard. Eris, on the other hand, was shunned, her presence dreaded and when she was around, everyone was waiting for something to go wrong. It’s time for Vesta to take Eris aside, appeal to her desires, and offer guidance for achieving the desired outcome... unless of course, Eris is as obsessed with bitching about life negative outcomes as she can be status and success.

These patterns of Ceres and Vesta set up Mars transits to Uranus and Pluto in late July and then to Eris in mid August. These will be the “get on with it” patterns within the framework of collective good and Universal awareness without encroachment or unwanted treading - that is, if all goes well. Personally, must relinquish all justifications, excuse and laments, and politely and perseveringly push forward.

These trends potentially work neatly with Jupiter opposing Pluto on August 7th and squaring Uranus on August 21st. Since all planets and bodies defer to Jupiter, and since Jupiter gives Ceres and extra wide berth and listens to her demands very, very carefully, here’s a way to make personal hay with the ongoing Pluto square Uranus saga.

Yes, we’re in between some of the patterns noted above, and the Jupiter transits are weeks in the future. A reader recently lamented, “you’re always talking about stuff that’s not happening this week.” True. To maximize Jupiter transits, the required plans, goals and necessary materials must be completed and ready to go in advance of the transit from or to the great benefactor. Starting projects, cramming a plan into place, during a Jupiter transit is way too late. This is about getting while the getting’s good, and getting a good upper leg, a body part Jupiter rules.

Why not work with the energies in flux (rhetorical question)? Try on the new planets we’ve known as asteroids for three centuries and see how nicely they fit.